Do you ever wonder how a young company in Ann Arbor, Michigan is able to serve customers all over the world?...
Do you want to see the details of our operation?
Do you dare? Are you *Bad enough*?...
Welcome, traveler. Enjoy the fruits of our labors.
We are at your service!!!!!!

The Ann Arbor T-Shirt Company
(c)2014* Design By Jacob Canfield

An eager customer places their order, either online or in the store!!!!

An artist adjusts the colors of the design! This ensures a color-filled print!!!!!!!

Welcome to the digital printing room!

An image is split into its component colors, which are * flashed * onto screens!

The digital printer! First it prints white, then color!

A fancy software prepares a design for the process of embroidery! Only perfect stitching is allowed!

Our beloved embroidery machine is hard at work. This process is so beautiful! Fun to watch!

Shirts are screen printed and packed!
Even the digitally printed shirts go through a dryer! Box them! Go!!!

You can pick up in - store or the postal service can bring you a package!
This is it! They're ready!